GC insights is assisting businesses’ efforts towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by promoting ESG compliance management, and design paths for businesses to effectively integrate ESG into business practices.
We are trying to help businesses and financial institutions improve and expand their ESG key performance indicators, in doing so, we see the value in improving the understanding of ESG in a practical level through trainings, and guided disclosures.
Throughout the past few years, we've been working together with universities to transfer our knowledge in ESG and climate risk mitigation. We partnered together with renown universities around the world and delivered webinars, workshops, including Jiaotong University EBA program, Fudan Fanhai MBA school, Qinghua University global innovation center, INSEAD MBA online webinar on Opportunities in China's New Green Economy, Hangzhou University and Universita Di Bologna, etc. We also helped sustainability related research with Cambridge university and Columbia University.

In our main location Shanghai, we work closely with local consulates and chamber of commerce to actively involved in ESG related topics. We joined discussion with Netherlands Consulate in related to Gender Equality, supply chain management and become endorsed service provider. We got invited by London & Partners and British Embassy, to support China's 3060 goal and other hot topic in between Chinese companies and multinational companies
In addition, GC Insights work with multinational companies like Porsche, Microsoft to promote sustainability in China. We also want to take initiatives to be the leader in the sustainability market and empower other people to join the eco-system. We launched China ESG Professional Network in 2019 and hosted a few online and offline events. Together with Impact Hub Shanghai, we shared our experience as how female founders start a business.

With our continuous effort, we received ESG Care Label in 2022 that awards companies with positive contribution towards a sustainable future.

However, businesses are struggling with disclosures of their ESG performance, while investors are troubling with ESG data quality. GC Insights is connecting the two problems with one solution – ESG CONNECTOR, an ESG reporting SaaS platform (“the platform”) that enables tracking of corporate ESG development progress. We believe integration of ESG into business development is important for building sustainable impact, reporting on ESG performance and materiality is key for investors to evaluate the ESG values of the company.

ESG reporting system within organisations might be hard to build and even takes time to streamline the processes. Through ESG CONNECTOR, we are empowering decision makers to keep on tracking their ESG progresses, and find spaces for improvements by reporting on ESG with guidance and workflow management.
Our team is constantly exploring new features to the platform so that business managers can make ESG decisions with confidence knowing they are heading towards the SDGs effectively through their ESG data management and alignments with the best practices.